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Continued Growth Beyond W2WM Programs [Alumni Committee]

Erin Coyle and her mentor, Julie Castleman

By Erin Coyle, CORE Program Alum & Chair of the W2WM Alumni Committee

In the summer of 2012, I felt a bit lost and was searching for my path. I dropped out of college a couple of years prior, and I liked my job but wasn’t sure how it would turn into a fulfilling career. A friend and informal mentor recommended that I check out this new program called Woman to Woman Mentoring. When I joined the program that Fall, I never could have predicted the role W2WM would continue to play in my life over 8 years later. Not only has my mentor remained a part of my life, but so has W2WM at large.

While participating in the program, your main connection is with your mentor and you also get to know the other people in your cohort. And there are SO many more women connected with the program and W2WM overall! Once you become an alumni, you are forever connected to our vast network of supportive and inspiring women. As a participant in one of the early classes, it has been incredible to watch the program grow.

W2WM, Inc became a nonprofit in 2015 and the program that I participated in is now known as the CORE Program, which recently welcomed the 24th CORE Program class! There are now hundreds of women who have been a part of this program as a mentee or a mentor across all ages, industries and life stages.


Many mentees over the years have expressed the desire for a way to continue to stay connected after their CORE program ends. A few years ago, a determined group of mentees worked to turn that desire into an official committee of W2WM. The goal of the alumni committee is foster connections between the alumni and support continued growth of every mentee and to maintain the connection with W2WM. We host regular events or meet ups for alumni, connect on our Facebook group and are always working to create additional pathways of connection. Additionally, W2WM staff invite alumni to participate in quarterly workshops so that mentees who would like a refresher can opt to attend the money management, relationships, career search, or wellness workshop.

Volunteering with W2WM brought so much into my life. I gained friends, informal mentors, new opportunities and a way to give back. The alumni committee is happy to welcome recent mentees, active alumni, and those from the earliest days of the program to connect.

W2WM’s programs are an incredible experience, and your involvement doesn’t have to end with your last workshop. The alumni network will continue to provide a lifetime of connections, support and growth. Whether you are in the CORE Program, the Women in STEM Program or Mentoring Circles, the alumni committee is here to help you grow!

Want to join the alumni committee or reconnect? 

If you are an alumni and you would like to join the committee or participate in any alumni activities, we would love to reconnect with you! Simply reach out to us at [email protected] or join our private Facebook group.


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