Make Mentoring Part of Your Legacy

Making a planned gift is a wonderful way to show your support for Woman to Woman Mentoring while accommodating your own personal, financial, estate-planning, and philanthropic goals. With smart planning, your generosity will launch our longevity, ensuring mentoring in Frederick County for decades to come.

Gifts Anyone Can Afford

Consider supporting W2WM with gifts that won’t impact the way you live. Set up assets to transfer in the future or make immediate gifts with assets that are ‘out of sight and mind’

  • Gifts from your will – a bequests
  • Gifts of Life Insurance
  • Gifts from Your Retirement Plan– like required minimum distributions
  • Gifts of Stock

Gifts That Pay You Back

Consider supporting W2WM with life-income gifts. It’s a win-win with support to W2WM while also increasing your income

  • Charitable Gift Annuity
  • Charitable Remainder Trust

For Advisors and Estate Planners

For professional advisors and estate planning attorneys needing more information regarding informing the organizations about a deceased donor’s estate:

Woman to Woman Mentoring, Inc.
Ashley Waters, Executive Director
E-Mail: [email protected]

Tax I.D. Number: 47-5036335
Incorporated in: Frederick, MD



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