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Elevating Futures: Empowering Women in STEM Through Mentorship    

Let’s take it back to 2018, the year Woman to Woman Mentoring launched its STEM program, driven by a singular mission: to connect aspiring women in STEM with experienced STEM professionals who could share their unique education and career journeys. 

The program first served students from Frederick Community College and Hood College and has more recently expanded to include Mount St. Mary’s University, Carroll Community College, and McDaniel College. 

Our six-month program offers a special combination of one-on-one mentorship, workshops, connections with lots of STEM women, and lots of information on the possibilities ahead. 

Our mentees are diving into different majors and careers, ranging from organic chemistry and software engineering to marine biology, engineering, biotechnology, and more and our ever-growing community of mentors ensures that aspiring STEM students can connect with all the possibilities to help them progress toward their academic goals.  

Most STEM mentees begin our program with no or very little access to STEM women. Most have never had a mentor before. But whether they’re first-year students just starting out, or established seniors exploring the job search or grad school, Woman to Woman Mentoring provides the practical, real-world support and information they need to pursue their goals.  


Let’s hear from our recent mentees about their experiences with our STEM program: 

“Thanks to my mentor’s help, I’ve applied for more opportunities and scholarships, and I’ve even received awards. I’ve also gained more confidence in approaching professionals in my field and fellow undergrads. The program has opened my eyes to many opportunities I plan to explore as the year unfolds.” – STEM Mentee AK 

“I very much enjoyed our group discussion yesterday. I think that it was very helpful and great to hear about other women in STEM and their career paths. I was very impressed that all the women were working in different careers, which I think gave us mentees a better sense of how broad and vast STEM can actually be.” – STEM Mentee AB 

“Everything is going great, and I’m still having bi-weekly meetings with my mentor. We’ve been discussing resumes and cover letters, and we’re working on my college essays and how to improve them. She’s been incredibly helpful in offering appropriate feedback.” – STEM Mentee CS 

“It’s allowed me to feel more confident in myself and be more proactive. I’m asking more questions and initiating more things on my own accord. I feel like I have a different perspective on things, and it’s helped me to be more open-minded on matters.” – STEM Mentee ML 

We are excited to see how our STEM program will evolve over the years to come. 

 Looking to become a mentor in STEM? Learn more at 






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