Blog & News

W2WM: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

In 2020, W2WM developed an internal task force focused on DEI. That task force, which has since become a permanent DEI committee, embarked on a three-year, in-depth journey of inquiry, conducting a survey of mentees and mentors in September of 2021 and focus groups in January 2022. After several years of deep analysis, we have established areas of improvement and changes we will or have already implemented.

We value the honest and respectful answers, insight, and vulnerability mentees and mentors have shared to inform our DEI policy, procedures, and future actions. We have analyzed how our organization serves the women of Frederick County and have made changes and identified outdated policies. We’ve prioritized being intentional and inclusive in our decisions and actions.

At Woman to Woman Mentoring we recognize, celebrate, and respect the awesome diversity within our mentees, mentors, staff, and volunteers and we remain committed to continuing this important, ongoing work necessary for our organization and our community. As always, we open the door for your continued feedback and welcome the opportunity to listen and understand how our efforts affect our participants, staff, board members, and community.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to connect with our Board of Directors by emailing [email protected]

Thank you for your continued support,

Woman to Woman Mentoring


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