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The Power of the W2WM Community

W2WM aims to foster connections and create a vibrant community of resilient women who can rely on each other during and after their completion of the program! In this blog post, we will hear from Anna, a recent CORE graduate, about her experience with the program and the invaluable community

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W2WM’s Staff Picks for Summer ’23

Summer is a season to get outside and get active! It is also a great time to check in on yourself and continue to develop yourself in a positive way. So, W2WM is back at it with our top books and podcasts that our team will be enjoying this summer!

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Mentor Spotlight: Terez Dorsey

Mentoring is such a monumental experience. The impact you can have on a mentee can be life changing for that individual, but, did you ever think about the impact that mentoring would have on you?   Below, we hear from Terez Dorsey, a mentor with Woman to Woman Mentoring (W2WM), and

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Women’s History Month Lookback at W2WM’s Start

March is such an important month for women around the world. This is a chance to recognize the accomplishments women have made globally and throughout history. It is also a reminder of the sacrifices women have made before us and that we continue to make today. As we look back at

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Help to Power Mentoring through the 2023 Unity Campaign  

W2WM (Woman to Woman Mentoring) is back as a partnering organization for the Unity Campaign, a collective community campaign aimed to serve those who identify as ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) in our communities. Approximately 2/3 of the women W2WM serves identify as ALICE. Through this campaign, we can

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